Hello Everyone :) It's transfer week! I'm now transfer 3. If you want to see my call skip to Saturday or to the photos. If you want an intense experience read through the whole email first. You decide haha :)
Monday-- We went late at night to visit the Kikuchi Family. Emiko San wasn't home but Chinatsu San was! We got to talk to her and ask about her work, which has been really tiring for her. We shared scriptures to help her and had a discussion on faith in Christ and relying on God, which has helped me entirely through my mission thus far, so we were able to testify boldly that if she reads her scriptures, prays, and goes to church to show her faith, God will support her even more through her hard times.
Tuesday-- We visited Keiko San! She was really happy to see us! I love visiting her! We shared a spiritual message practically about the same as Chinatsu san. Faith is so essential people, but it's hard to develop and maintain when you aren't reading your scriptures or praying everyday. It's the small things that build your testimony! We helped encourage her and talked with her. Later that night we taught a less active member named Hermana Zoila. We taught her about Joseph Smith and boy is there power behind bearing testimony of that prophet and his experience. I've felt nothing like it! The Book of Mormon and the restoration are SO POWERFUL!
Wednesday-- We finally got to help Hasegawa Shimai clean her home. We have been planning to go and help her for weeks but it hasn't been good for her. She's been in and out of the hospital for months. She is deaf too so we have to do a lot of planning around going to visit her. Luckily I've been learning Japanese sign language so that came in really handy :) we helped her clean and then drank tea and had pineapple with her. There are lots of different tea and some is okay and some is not. I don't know which is okay and which isn't through... I really don't like any tea haha. Before Eikaiwa one of our students Moeka San wanted to hang out with us so we went out to dinner for ramen and got to know her better :) she's really open to the gospel and she has been living in Italy for the last year so the English she knows has an Italian accent! Gah!
Thursday-- We had a zone meeting in Hodogaya! It was good :) then we had weekly planning so not much there.
Friday-- I thought it'd be really nice to bring my district Swedish fish for our district meeting. So I wrapped up Swedish fish all cute like and everyone was so happy! They were like Swedish fish!!! And then we have one Australian elder who's like "gummy babies!" We all looked at him weird. The Japanese missionaries had never had them and Funa Shimai loves them! After we taught Matsuda San about faith. It was a faith week with everyone!
Saturday-- Okay I got my transfer call and I'm transferring! I'm going to Hodogaya area and my new companion is Sister Brox. She's awesome! She's is on her last transfer so I will be in Hodogaya for two transfers for sure. I'm still in the Fujisawa East Zone :) and my new area is right next door to Yamato :) I'm really excited but sad too. All of my investigators were sad. Except for Matsuda San hahaha. Later that day, there was a stake relief society activity that we invited all of our investigators to and they all came! Nakamura Keiko San, Matsuda San, and Ueda Akemi San. I was teamed up with Nakamura san during the event and she is sad that I'm getting transferred but I'm just happy that because I am leaving she is coming to more and more activities! Right after the stake activity there was a baptism for David. So we invited them to all stay and watch if they wanted. We were waiting for a ride from Nakamura san's husband, so she agreed to stay and so did Matsuda San. After they saw the baptism, we had planned to leave to make it to the eki on time, but Nakamura San wanted to hear David's testimony. So we stayed a bit longer for her. After Kawahara Shimai went home on the train with Matsuda San and we went with Nakamura San. Her and her husband Charles used to be investigators. In the car Nakamura San had lots of questions that she has been dying to ask us! (According to Charles) but she has been too embarrassed before. The really are the sweetest couple! I'm so excited that this step was taken for them!
Sunday-- I said bye to everyone and took pictures.
Anyway, way fun week! Tons of miracles! I love you all!
Sister Fordiani 
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