Yesterday was my ai suru o tanjoubi! I wish you could've all
experienced the many "Happy Birthdays" from all of the cute Japanese
people I'm around all day! Their pronunciation of happy birthday is
literally the cutest! And they made my day extremely special!
Okay there is a lot to say because we had the most extreme week of
miracles on my mission yet! So please keep your hands and arms inside
the vehicle and get ready for this email!
We had transfer calls! Whoo! And I am staying with Sister Wallace in
my area of Shonan for another go! Yeah! We were really excited!
So on Tuesday we had a mission meeting where Presdient Wada changed
the standards for the mission to push us even harder to have more
faith to find. We emphasized having a prayer of faith and being
specific when we pray and really just being Christlike to everyone we
meet. It is so important when people meet us they have an opportunity
to feel the love that God and Jesus Christ have for them through us!
So on Wednesday on our way to the dentist in Tokyo, we implemented all
we learned on the trains and in the office and met some extremely
prepared people! I even got to talk about missionary work with the
dentist although it was pretty difficult with him working on my teeth
haha 😂
Then on Thursday we went to a neighborhood we had been planning to
dendou in because we had both felt really special about this specific
spot! When we went we knocked on doors for about 2 hours. We had a
couple good conversations with people but no one was really
interested. We were about to go home and I had this really intense
feeling that we needed to stay here for just 30 minutes more. Then I
remembered a less active member lived close so I assumed that was what
the feeling was for. When we knocked on her door though she wasn't
home... So we were walking to start housing until we could catch the
next bus home and a lady was out walking her dog! So we started a
conversation with her and she said she is coming to church and we
talked about the importance of baptism and how when we are baptized we
make a promise with God and we bore our testimonies about how church
really blessed us and our families! Her name is Hiura Satsuko. (So she
didn't end up coming to church yesterday because she is sick *cough,
cough Satan*... but we are going to visit her this week)
Then later that day we were handing out Eikaiwa flyers at the Eki and
we met another woman named Megumi Oki who's mom is a member in another
ward. She had been to Utah for a home-stay and because of that her mom
investigated the church and was baptized! Her sons go with their
grandma to church stuff all the time, but she never has been
interested in church. We testified that she could really get lots of
blessings for her family through church, but she wasn't sure. However,
she definitely agreed to come to Eikaiwa and brush up on her English
and maybe our ward's Christmas party too! Yay!
On Saturday we had Ozawa San's baptism! He's been taking lessons from
the elders and he is just the best guy ever! I Love Him! He cried
during the program and when he bore his testimony he said in English
"this is my number one happiness!" He said he's never been happier in
his whole life! And after we all went out for okonomiyaki!
We invited Itou San to his baptism but she couldn't make it because
she was at the hospital! 😩 but later that night we had a little get
together with one of our Eikaiwa students at his house and Itou San
came! His name is Ali and he is from the Middle East! He can speak
Persian, Turkish, Japanese, and English! Holy cow! We all had really
fun eating popcorn and talking! When we were planning for our
spiritual message for his family and Itou San, we felt like we should
teach about Jesus Christ and his life and miracles, but at first we
weren't quite sure why (but we find out later-keep reading)! As we did
we really had a good conversation! And they were all basically
teaching themselves from the pamphlet! Hahaha :) then all of a sudden
Ali said, "Hold on!" and he pulled up skype on his computer! He then
he called his older sister and told us, "She is super interested in
Jesus Christ and your church! Will you teach her?" Holy beep! Yeah we
will! So we just taught her really simply right there on skype! It was
getting late so we set another appointment for later, but man we just
got a new investigator from Iran! Wow!
Then on Sunday it literally was so incredible! I opened my package
from home in the morning (see video below) and we went to church
expecting Itou San and Satsuko San to come. Itou San came with
birthday presents for me! But when I called Satsuko San she said she
is sick. Dang it. So we went to relief society (church is backwards
here) and then a lady walked in with her son... So we told the elders
that Satsuko San is coming but they didn't realize that the lady that
walked in was different so we went over and sat with her because we
had never seen her before. She is from Spain and she lives close to
our church. She told us her son is misbehaving so she came to church
today with him so he can learn about Jesus and be a better person.
WHAT!? So she self referred herself to us! Holy miracle!
But wait it's gets even better! Today one of the members sons received
baptism! So Itou San and Roxanna (lady from Spain) were able to hear
all of the testimonies from fast Sunday and were able to see a
baptism! Oh my MIRACLE! I have no words for how blessed I feel to be
able to be the lords hands in Japan and in this area.
Then that night we all went to the bishops house for dinner! Itou San,
us, the elders, and the Gaitaus! We had a delicious dinner and the
bishop and his wife surprised me by making a jell-o cake with candles
in it! Then everyone sang to me!
That was my wonderful week! And my scripture I'm ponderizing this week
is "Doubt not but be believing" if we have faith we can do anything!
Love Sister Fordiani
Ward Christmas tree! Awh! Thank you!

Dentist! Whoo!

Itou san's birthday card! Read how stinking cute her English is! It kills me! She's still learning!

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