Hello family and friends! This week has been a great week here in Japan. It continues to get hotter and hotter which blows my mind because I literally did not know that anywhere could feel this hot! I'm really ready for fall weather, sweaters, and hot cocoa 
Okay this week! Here we go!
Tuesday-- that's when I wrote you last! It was temple p-day
Wednesday--I caught a baby virus! So I was sick in bed all day sleeping. I was having stomach pain and vertigo (that's for my mom). But at night we still went to Eikaiwa to help the Elders teach. I still felt weak and dizzy but it went okay!
Thursday--we had a "RPLA" (Read, Ponder, Liken, Apply) in Shonandai with our zone and the Fujisawa West Zone too. President Wada gave us a training on the Book of Mormon and we all read it together. The coolest experience I had was talking to a Sister I was sitting next to. She is fairly new and she right now is with one of my old companions I struggled with a bit. We got talking and I asked her how she was doing. She told me that it was hard for them right now, and I told her that I used to be in her exact same position. I was the same transfer as she is right now and had the exact same companion. I was able to offer her advice and we bonded right away. She told me after the meeting that she was so grateful that we had talked and it helped her so much because I knew exactly what she was going through. People! I know we definitely go through trials and specific things in our lives so that we can lift the people around us. I'm so grateful I struggled that transfer so that I could relate to that sister and her situation and help her!
Friday--We had a lesson with Ana today! Oh my word people, I love her so much! She is officially our new investigator! Yay! We read the Book of Mormon with her! We started at the introduction, then we scanned over the 3 and 8 witnesses, and Joseph Smiths testimony, then we started 1 Nephi! She's so knowledgeable! She realized that the 3 and 8 witnesses plus Joseph Smith make 12 people just like the 12 apostles who are witnesses of Jesus Christ. There is also a way nifty page at the beginning of the Book of Mormon called "A Brief Explanation of the Book of Mormon". She loves religious history and the bible so she liked comparing her bible to how the Book of Mormon looks. She liked the cross-references at the bottom that let you study between the two books too! I am praying that she picks it up this week and reads more on her own because she is so busy, but if she doesn't, we'll read with her
she's such an amazing person! I wish you all could meet her! I love her!
Saturday-- We were in charge of game night! So we finally got to plan and have the fiesta! Yamaguchi Shimai and I made a piรฑata, taught everyone Spanish, and we played pin-the-tail on the donkey! I drew the donkey and made him look all Hispanic with a sombrero. It was a really fun activity! And teaching everyone Spanish was hilarious! I've learned a little since coming here because I've had to teach people in Spanish. But it was probably all wrong anyway haha!
Sunday--was what I call a "futsu no hi" which literally translates to "a normal day". We went to church and got a new mission leader ๆฃฎๆฌๅ
(Brother Morimoto)!
Through teaching and serving I've come to love this experience more and more. When we serve others, our cares and worries literally go out the door! My favorite quote says, "Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves" (James Barrie). I've made that quote the theme of my mission! "Wherefore, he that preacheth and he that receiveth, understand one another, and both are edified and rejoice together. That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day" (D&C 50: 22, 24). I know you will be able to feel more sunshine in your life when you give all that you have to strengthen those around you!
Sister Fordiani 
1. Playing pin the tail on the donkey
2. All my letters I got this week! I'm a lucky Sister missionary!
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